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  • January 25, 2023
  • 4 Minute Read
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The Enterprise Holdings Foundation recently celebrated its 40th year of giving. Since it was established, 该基金会向数以千计的当地非营利组织捐赠了5亿多美元,并作出了广泛的承诺——从全球慈善倡议到以社区为重点的项目.

慈善事业长期以来一直是BET9官方APP下载文化和基因的一部分. 这一承诺受到公司创始人杰克·泰勒价值观的启发, 是谁强调回馈当地社区的重要性,并在1982年正式创立了企业控股基金会. Taylor’s inspiring vision on corporate giving, “We strengthen our communities, one neighborhood at a time,” rings just as true today as it did four decades ago.

“父亲向他的团队和家人灌输了永远为邻居和社区做正确事情的重要性,企业控股基金会主席乔·安·泰勒·金说. “正是出于这一承诺,企业控股基金会诞生了,作为我们组织工作的家园,通过提供我们的时间和资源来促进社区发展.”

The Enterprise Holdings Foundation supports a range of causes, including health and human services, environmental issues, education, public and social benefits, disaster relief, the arts and veterans across the corporation’s global locations. 基金会在帮助应对飓风方面也发挥着独特的作用, tornadoes, wildfires, 洪水和其他自然灾害通过提供援助来袭击 partnerships with the American Red Cross® as well as focused grants and transportation support.

扶轮基金会的特别之处在于它的员工主导的捐赠策略. 几乎所有的基金会奖助金都是由来自世界各地的企业控股员工决定的,他们被鼓励提交奖助金申请, which helps focus giving efforts where they're needed the most. In FY22 alone, 该基金会向全球慈善活动和社区非营利组织捐赠了7400万美元, 基金会98%的拨款是为了满足员工直接提交的要求,以支持对他们重要的社区事业.

除了由员工选择的组织的当地赠款, 企业控股基金会通过与非营利组织的长期合作,监督各种旨在创造积极影响的倡议. 


  • Giving more than $1.为应对包括乌克兰冲突救济和菲奥娜飓风在内的灾害提供了800万美元的援助.
  • Serving 26.为当地社区65.4万多名老年人提供900万份膳食 “Fill Your Tank” program and partnership with Feeding America.
  • Providing $750,给英雄遗产奖学金,该奖学金对受抚养人开放, 因服现役而死亡或致残的未婚子女(23岁以下),并给予250美元,通过与 Fisher House Foundation.
  • 通过进取号种植了创纪录的1700万棵树 “50 Million Tree Pledge,” in partnership with Arbor Day Foundation. 
  • 帮助大自然保护协会和合作伙伴改善大约9人的健康状况,879英里的河流和保护超过700万英亩的优先流域, benefitting biodiversity and local communities through the “Routes & Roots®: Enterprise Healthy Rivers Project.”
  • 在22财年分配1400万美元的地方赠款——这是未来5年5500万美元承诺的一部分——帮助促进社会和种族平等 Enterprise ROAD Forward initiative 并与“我的兄弟守护者联盟”、“联合黑人大学基金”、“女子公司”等合作. and Parents as Teachers.

Since the beginning, 企业控股一直努力成为一个积极参与的企业公民,在其运营所在的社区产生有意义的影响. Foundation President Carolyn Kindle emphasized this by stating, “与企业控股的员工和我们的慈善合作伙伴一起, 我们将继续履行我祖父的愿景,尽自己的一份力量,实现积极的改变,创造更健康的生活, more equitable communities.”

About Enterprise Holdings

Enterprise Holdings is a leading provider of mobility solutions including car rental, fleet management, carsharing, vanpooling, truck rental, luxury rental, retail car sales and vehicle subscription, 以及差旅管理等交通技术服务和解决方案, to make travel easier and more convenient for customers. Enterprise Holdings owns the Enterprise Rent-A-Car, National Car Rental and Alamo 品牌,这些品牌通过子公司和特许经营的综合全球网络运营. Privately held by the Taylor family of St. Louis, Enterprise Holdings together with its affiliate, Enterprise Fleet Management, manages a diverse fleet of 2.1 million vehicles through a network of more than 10,在超过90个国家和地区拥有超过5000个配备充足人员的社区和机场租赁地点.